- Principles
- BCRC Ethics Complaint
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- Principles
- BCRC Ethics Complaint

- Principles
- BCRC Ethics Complaint
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- Principles
- BCRC Ethics Complaint

Bucks First Republicans Constitution
Whereas the committee persons of Bucks County PA. are elected to represent the party membership of their election districts in affairs of the party.
Whereas the principle of representative democracy serves to enhance party membership growth and participation by insuring a fair connection between party members, party leaders, and major party decisions.
It shall be the principle of the BucksFirst Republicans that the election of party leaders and the decisions on major party matters shall be by vote of the committee members elected or, in the case of vacancies, appointed by the districts committee members in which the vacancy exist to represent their respective election districts.
Article One: Voting:
Voting Decisions of matters specifiedin Articles two and three of this Constitution shall be by secret ballot for both county and municipal by use of a voting secret ballot. All such voting shall occur at meetings properly noticed by written communication to all committee members sent by the deadlines prescribed by state statute or party by-laws as appropriate and shall be reserved exclusively to duly elected committee members (not appointed) present at said meetings. No proxies nor any vacancies are to be included in voting count of the election of the officers of the executive committee.
Article Two: Election ofOfficers:
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Partyshall be elected pursuant to Article One by the vote of the party committee members at the reorganization meeting of the Party. Just as in presidential elections where the President and Vice-President run together, and people cast one vote for the ticket, Chair and Vice-Chair candidates will run together and party committee members shall cast one vote. These elections shall take place, for Municipal parties, on the first Monday following the Primary election at which party committee members are elected and for County parties, on the first Tuesday after the Primary election at which party committee members are elected.
Article Three: Endorsement ofParty
Endorsement of candidates for thePrimary election shall be by voting as prescribed in Article One. Endorsement shall be open to all registered Party members who submit to the Bucks County Board of Elections by the deadline prescribed. All committee members shall be provided with copies of qualified candidates’ resumes prior to the committee meeting at which consideration and voting upon candidates for endorsement shall be held. Candidates for endorsement shall be given a reasonable amount of time to present themselves and their position at a meeting of the party committee and committee members shall be given a reasonable amount of time to question candidates for party endorsement at said meeting. The above time frames, the percentage of Committee members’ votes required for endorsement and any other related procedural matter shall be specified in the by-laws. The county party is required to give the county party line for all municipal elected offices subject to primaries to the choice of the municipal party, as long as that choice is made in accordance with the municipal party constitution and by-laws.
Article Four: Party Platform
The Chair of the Party shall appointthree or more committee members to be members of a Platform Committee and shall designate the Chair of the Committee. The Platform Committee shall hold one or more duly noticed platform hearings, open to all Party members of the Bucks County PA. in accordance with procedures set forth in the Party by-laws. A draft Party Platform shall be provided to all elected and appointed party committee members at least 30 days in advance of a meeting of the party committee members called for the endorsement of Party candidates. The Party Platform shall be adopted at the meeting called for endorsement of Party candidates by and pursuant to rules for amendment of the draft Party Platform set forth in the Party by-laws.
Article Five: Party Budget
The Chair or his/her designee shallprepare a draft budget for Party Fundraising and expenditures. Said budget shall set forth the ranges of amounts to be allocated to party building and for the election of individual party endorsed candidates. The budget must be made available to any party committee member who requests a copy.
Article 6: Amendments
Any proposed amendments to theConstitution will require a majority vote of the parties duly elected committee members through voting procedures spelled out in the by-laws and this constitution.
Bucks First Republicans © 2024